It is another exhibition of famous contemporary Chinese paintings in the Canada Frame Art Museum. Zhang Renzhi, Song Zhaoqin, Zhao Zhenchuan and Song Di, the most influential landscape painters in China, they represent different styles of different regions (Beijing, Shandong and Shaanxi). To some degree, such joint exhibition will reflect the development status of contemporary Chinese landscape painting. Therefore, it is worth expecting. The exhibition will be held from October 27th to 30th, 2018 in the Canada Frame Art Museum. The opening ceremony will be held at 14:00 on October 27th.
The masterpieces of the four Chinese landscape painters will be exhibited in Toronto. They will be greeted by art lovers from different cultural background in Canada, Chinese and overseas Chinese. With Canada's elegant culture exchange palace and rich artistic atmosphere, it is believed that this exhibition will contribute to enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and Canadian people in the field of artistic aesthetics.
The Canada Frame Cultural Media plays a key role to hold this high-profile art exhibition, Beijing Shidaiguangshi Culture Co., Ltd. , Canada's NU Stream Realty, H&H PR International Inc. and Chinese Canadian Times have given active participation and strong support.
The Canada Frame Art Museum is a reception base for Chinese artists to go to the world and learn from and exchange with people from Canadian literature and art circles. It is also a high-quality platform to deepen the understanding and influence of Chinese art and Western art.
Human emotions are common, which break through national boundaries in communication and sharing, and go beyond cultural barriers in ideas and (painting) languages. Mountains and Rivers--Toronto Ink Art Exhibition of Zhang Renzhi, Song Zhaoqin,Zhao Zhenchuan, and Song Di is undoubtedly an important common memory for Zhang Renzhi, Song Zhaoqin,Zhao Zhenchuan and Song Di in their artistic courses.
Nearly forty works of the four painters will on display.There will be large-sized landscape paintings of 145*365cm and fine works of 68x138cm. Most of them are new works, which appear for the first time. Here are some of them:
张仁芝参展作品 《峡江秋韵》 纸本设色 135x68厘米 2016年
张仁芝参展作品 《鼓山寂静好品茗》 纸本设色 136x68厘米 2004年
宋兆钦参展作品 《千秋万代》 纸本设色 66x132厘米 2018年
宋兆钦参展作品 《齐云山记》 纸本设色 134x67厘米 2018年
赵振川参展作品 《春山乐居》 纸本设色 68X68厘米 2018年
赵振川参展作品 《流水涯归牧》 纸本设色 129X248厘米 2018年
宋涤参展作品 《黄土高坡人家》 纸本设色 68X68厘米 2012年
宋涤参展作品 《华山》 纸本设色 144X367cm 2014年
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